01 February, 2014
The official inauguration has taken place! People everywhere downtown and even the bridges surrounding the the spot on the river where the event took place where crowded. Unofficial numbers guess that there were around 55000 people present.
There was a light show with some small flying things (radio controlled helicopters?) that had lights in different colors. One of the patterns they formed was the logo used for the Capital of Culture project.
Yes, there were fireworks as well.
And the light show ended with something that resembles the pr image used for the event.
On my way home from the event, I noticed a painting on an ice block that has received much attention in the media for different reasons...
Finally, this is different and I like it:
31 January, 2014
Welcome to Umeå!
For being a photo blog, there hasn't been many pictures (or much about anything) lately.That's going to change.
This weekend is the big inauguration for the European Capital of Culture where Umeå is one of the two cities, Riga in Latvia is the other one. The main event in Umeå this weekend is called Burning Snow and takes place tomorrow at 17.00. I think it will be something extra.
Something else I'm looking forward to see is the Guitar museum that is opening downtown. I will definitely bring the camera when going there.
If you're an outsider and happens to visit Umeå, don't be afraid to ask a local, people here are nice and friendly. But if you come by car, I wish you good luck finding a parking space downtown. The politicians here haven't played simcity as kids...
06 April, 2013
The last days have been warm, a few degrees above freezing and the snow is melting. On my way home from work yesterday, I found three coltsfoot in a sunny slope. Couldn't resist taking a photo of them - first spring flowers I've seen this year.Funny thing, when I got home I could read in one of the local newspapers "Here is the proof - spring is here" and there was a picture of some yellow flowers. A reader had sent in the picture along with the words "Found spring in Holmsund" (Holmsund is a place near Umeå). Someone at the newspaper posted the image and added some text saying it's coltsfoot when it's really dandelions. That's first grade knowledge and every kid can tell these flowers apart. The newspaper text has been slightly changed after many readers gave helpful comments saying what flower it really is..
17 March, 2013
One of the more recent buildings in my close vicinity is the new train station, "Umeå Östra". It's located close to the University hospital (NUS) and the Umeå University campus area. There is also another station, Umeå Central 2km away but in my opinion it's not really needed anymore.0
05 January, 2013
During the 90s, Umeå had a big hardcore scene and one of the most known bands were Refused. They split up in 1998 and despite that, they are bigger than ever.0
08 February, 2012
Been working on redesigning the page a bit and there are stil a few more things I want to do and this caused a small break from posting new things. That little break hasn't stopped me from photographing things.0
07 January, 2012
New year and besides meeting friends and having a nice dinner, there's the chance to photo fireworks which can't be missed! The big fireworks were supposed to be downtown but we had no plans of going there, instead we went outside to a small hill and waited to see what would be launched nearby.
I felt a bit rusty and in the start I looked in one direction and something nice went off behind my back - but then I got on a roll and got several shots I'm happy with.
Technical stuff: shooting raw, manual mode, f/5, bulb mode, iso 100, tripod, remote trigger.
Software: digikam for raw conversion and lens correction, gimp for rotating and cropping.
26 November, 2011
Tomorrow is the last day of the Umeå light festival for this year. I wish it would be around longer, but the two installations from this year will be made permanent and that's a good thing. I think all these red hearts has the same origin, a light festival many years ago, but they've been around so long that I'm not sure. Whichever, I like them.