29 October, 2011
This weeks photo challenge at photo triplet has the theme "masculinity" and the idea behind this triplet is the changes and differences between boys and men.
That is, boys (and girls for that matter) want to do like their parents and vacuuming seems like a fun thing (heh, if they only knew). And the stove, what a technological wonder, what delicious things that can be prepared. If the stove is made paper and the saucepan of plastic doesn't matter, the imaginary soup will still turn out great.
But the biggest change between boys and men must still be the price for "toys"...
Feel free to leave comments and feedback (även på svenska).
25 October, 2011
I've been thinking about what patience it takes to photograph wild animals, waiting, hiding and perhaps come home empty handed. Also the equipment requirements to get close enough. Some of the stunning photos I've seen have been taken with 500mm and teleconverter. Would be interesting to try and learn since it's quite different to the photos I take normally. Ohh well, here's an animal, but not a wild one. Had some help who tried to hand out some not-so-green grass to get a better pose, but apparently it wasn't that tempting :)
22 October, 2011
New Saturday and a new photo triplet challenge, this time with the theme "in the kitchen".
After bouncing around a few ideas, I skipped making a tribute to all kitchen machines (dishwasher, microwave, coffee machine) I can't really be without. Instead this triplet has a another thread through it, how my morning progresses.
Stumble into the kitchen, tired and hardly awake. Having a full light spectrum lamp helps waking up. Then, prepare some coffee and microwave some porridge. When waiting for everything to get ready, it's nice to sit down and watch the chili fruits we're drying and thinking about summer... then the microwave beeps and back to reality.
Feel free to leave comments and feedback (även på svenska).
17 October, 2011
Some might say this is wrong, a photo of leaves, and none of them from a birch - me leaving in the city of birches and all... but I couldn't resist. The grass is green, but this thick layer of newly fallen leaves managed to hide it completely.
Soon it'll all be hidden away under snow, and that would be real nice, making it brighter again outside. We're currently loosing 45mins sunlight/week.
15 October, 2011
The Autumn colors are here and all around us and we had planed a trip to an arboretum close by with different kinds of trees from all over the world. A camera, peaceful nature and the sound of the river - a great way to spend a Saturday, specially when the sun is shining.
That didn't match the theme at fototriss, but on our way there, we passed by an old stone church from the 1500-hundreds which I thought would be great in black and white and make a triplet:
09 October, 2011
Some stairwells are dark and boring, but I've seen one which is different: someone has placed some flowers by one of the windows between the first and second floor. Makes the dark stairwell (where it's really hard to take photos) feel much more alive. I like it alot and that's the reason I picked this image and didn't remove it right away.
03 October, 2011
I like all the new colors during the autumn, it sort of makes up for the grey weather and the rain.
03 October, 2011
Amanita muscaria, very beautiful but best left alone since it's poisonous.