Photo triplet: Can you tell the theme behind these pictures?

07 April, 2013

Tags: fototriss

Sunday morning, breakfast coffee, trying to ignore the fact that about 10cm of snow has fallen since last night. The theme for this weeks photo triplet is pick your own and see if the others can guess what it is. Providing a big contrast to what's going on outside, here are my three images:


Those that read the cyberphoto blog (I'm not getting paid to say it, but that's where I pick up most of my photo gear) will most likely already know where these photos were taken.

So, what do you think the theme is? More unknown themes can be found here.
Powered By Porridge2013-04-07 09:56:24
The correct answer is "exotic animals", select the hidden text to see it.
Ekstöms Bilder2013-04-07 10:11:35
Reptile ... no frog is no reptile!!! How about animaleyes?

Eva Trillian2013-04-07 15:08:22
Clever theme :) and nice photos!
Mormor2013-04-07 15:38:09
It's not reptiles, but may be it's exotic animals?
Have a nice day.
Mias Mix2013-04-07 16:42:28
Lovely pictures! Never seen a blue frog before.
Jah Hollis2013-04-07 19:02:23
Terrarium eller helt enkelt exotiska djur är min gissning, och det är riktigt fina bilder.
Aliva och livet2013-04-07 23:10:34
Jag tänkte att det var några slags reptiler. Spännande triss!
Powered By Porridge2013-04-08 18:06:18
The blue frog is a Poison Dart Frog (Pilgiftsgroda), details about them can be found here or here.

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