Week 08: Snowmobiles

26 February, 2011

Tags: weekly photo

There are reindeers in the northern part of Sweden. Nothing new there. Everybody who has met them when traveling by car know about their lack of sense, just standing there on the road staring and refusing to move. But the meat is tasty so I guess it's alright.

So when heading inlands (~50km of the eastern coast) it was a safe bet to expect to see a bunch of reindeers. Something that surprised me a bit was that I saw even more snowmobiles (~15) outside the restaurant where we had lunch. Oh well, I guess I'm not used to all the aspects of winter in the north.

Socktrollet2011-02-26 23:11:05
Du har väl inte missat ICA MAXIs bensinpump, specialanpassad för skotrarna som kör efter älven?
Powered By Porridge2011-02-26 23:20:31
Jo sant, det är riktigt annorlunda, men inte sett så många där på samma gång.

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